Free Agent Program 101
2 min readJun 16, 2020
Finding Your Intramural Sports Team
What is the Intramural Free Agent Program?
- The Free Agent program is for individual students or small groups of students who don’t know enough players to form a full team. Team captains who need a few more players can recruit from the list, or groups of free agents can come together to make a team.
- More than 50% of students on the list find a team quickly before the season starts, and many more find a team shortly after play begins. Even if you just need a partner for the doubles tournament — this program is for you.
- Free Agent teams have won championships, and free-agent players have made great university connections and lifelong friendships.
How do I register for the Free Agent program?
- It’s FREE to register. Each player usually submits their dues to the team captain who has already paid the entry fee. Fees range from $5-$15 per player depending on the sport and the roster size.
- Using the online system is quick and easy. It’s important to include all the details that help others get to know you — like previous playing experience, if you’re in it just for recreation or are super competitive, and the days/times you are available to play.
Thoughts from a captain — Michael Morales, Flag Football
The free agent program has allowed me to meet new people outside of my normal group of friends. Over the past few years we have invited free agents to join our team that have been great additions not only as teammates, but friends as well. The program has allowed me to introduce new people to the many fun opportunities UT RecSports has to offer. I look forward to inviting more people from the free agent list to join our team in the future.